RED TIDE is a dynamic video series that captures the beauty of our bioluminescent oceans while bringing attention to the rise in Harmful Algal Blooms (known as "Red Tides") across the globe, and the danger they present for the stability of our ecosystems.


Bioluminescent Bloom

Bioluminescent Bloom is a series of 7 works, representing each of our global ocean divisions (Arctic, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian, & Antarctic). Each of the works is titled after one of the bioluminescent algae species presently impacting each ocean division.

  • What are Red Tides?

    Harmful Algal Blooms (known as “Red Tides”) occur when "colonies of algae grow out of control and produce toxic or harmful effects on people, fish, shellfish, marine mammals, and birds." (

  • What causes Red Tides?

    Red Tides are directly connected to the increased nutrients from agricultural runoff, specifically phosphorus and nitrogen, creating a chemical imbalance and depleting the oxygen supply in our waters. They are also attributed to the rising ocean temperatures due to climate change.

  • The dark side of Bioluminescence

    The rise in bioluminescent algal blooms across the globe, while beautiful to witness, is a warning sign that our ecosystem is in danger, imbalanced, out of sync. 'Karenia brevis' is a bioluminescent algae species presently impacting the North Atlantic Ocean and its marginal seas, creating "Red Tides" along the Gulf of Mexico coastline.


Project Objective

The goal with RED TIDE is to create dynamic, impactful artworks that will bring attention to the global ocean regeneration initiatives, specifically connected to the rising appearances of Harmful Algal Blooms (“Red Tides”).


About the Artworks

Each of the 7 artworks is a video of a unique light sequence over a physical 4x6in (10x15cm) photo print, of waves crashing into shore.

Similar to waves, each artwork and light sequence is one-of-a-kind, irreplicable. The photos and videos were created entirely in-camera, with minimal digital manipulation in post-production, with a photography & art style I call, 'Invisible Ink'.


** This project was created to support global ocean regeneration initiatives.